The code execution cannot proceed because mfplat.dll was not found.There was a problem starting mfplat.dll.

Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. The program can't start because mfplat.dll is missing from your computer.The most commonly occurring error messages are: For instance, a faulty application, mfplat.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry. Then you’re done, call and chat to your heart’s content at no cost.Errors related to mfplat.dll can arise for a few different different reasons. Next install the Windows desktop client on your PC and sign in to syncrhonize your contacts across the 2 devices. To use Viber on your Windows PC you will first need install Viber on your mobile phone (Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian and Windows Phone apps available). The likes of Viber and Whatsapp have pretty much killed the traditional mobile SMS industry, thanks to their ease of use and ever improving data coverage. You can even video call with up to 100 of your contacts at the same time! A simple UI tops off the package nicely. Voice call, chat, send SMS, pictures and videos for free to any of your phone contacts who also have the app installed. A key difference between Viber/Whatsapp and Skype is that you can communicate with all of your mobile phone contacts that are also using the service – not just your skype contacts. Viber competes with Whatsapp for the title of the most popular cross platform/cross device messaging service globally. It also makes it easier to get on with work and multitask while communicating with your contacts. The Viber PC client takes the convenience of the mobile app and brings it to your PC so you can stay connected even when you don’t have your mobile phone. Viber is a popular free Voice-over IP messaging service and Skype alternative, that can be used on your smartphone or PC.